Friday 29 July 2011

Identity and young homeless people

Today I had to write something up for someone at work, to propose my project to a charity that supports young homeless people! Fingers crossed, I prepared the following:

For my Masters I am investigating ways of promoting personal development with young people.  By developing exercises that discuss society, culture, values, hopes, dreams and aspirations, we can encourage young people to be confident individuals, enjoy learning, make progress, achieve, and become responsible citizens that make a positive contribution to society.   We discuss ourselves, our relationship, our society and our environment, and how all these components affect our sense of self. 

How can young people be encourage to develop their personal identities through creative critical reflection?

Key are for discussion are:

Personal identities

1.      Understanding that identity is affected by a range of factors, including a positive sense of self
2.      Recognising that the way in which personal qualities, attitudes, skills and achievements are evaluated affects confidence and self-esteem
3.      Understanding that self-esteem can change with personal circumstances, such as those associated with family and friendships, achievements and employment.

Healthy lifestyles

1.      Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices
2.      Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened
3.      Dealing with growth and change as normal parts of growing up.


1.      Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range of situations
2.      Appreciating that pressure can be used positively or negatively to influence others in situations involving risk
3.      Developing the confidence to try new ideas and face challenges safely, individually and in groups.


1.      Understanding that relationships affect everything we do in our lives and that relationship skills have to be learnt and practised
2.      Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important
3.      Understanding that relationships can cause strong feelings and emotions.


1.      Appreciating that, in our communities, there are similarities as well as differences between people of different race, religion, culture, ability or disability, gender, age or sexual orientation
2.      Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives.
These themes are developed and explored through creativity and reflection.

CREATIVITY Producing artefacts, experimenting with ideas, materials, tools and techniques, taking risks and learning from mistakes. 
REFLECTION Exploring the visual, tactile and other sensory qualities of their own and others’ work, identifying how values and meanings are conveyed, developing views and expressing reasoned judgement, analyzing and reflecting on their work and the work of others.

Homelessness: psychological well-being and identity

Homelessness poses a real risk to identity, the social stigma and negative status associated with being homeless combined with the 'hearthlessness', leads to a lack of attachment to and identification with temporary accommodation.  Emotional attachment to and identification with places is key to psychological health. Feeling isolated, rejected and alienated are also extremely common with homeless people, these again in turn can lead to psychological problems in relation to identity.  Another key issue is having somewhere 'safe' for emotions and thoughts, without this 'psychological space' a person can become emotionally withdrawn and lock emotions away.  The above can all be described as 'Identity Threat' which occurs when one or more of the elements for identity: self-esteem, continuity, positive distinctiveness and self-efficacy, are challenged.


Numerous homeless people have felt rejected by their friends, family and society.  "Feelings of being rejected by the family may contribute to a feeling of ‘psychological homelessness’, which, according to Baldwin et al. (1997), often precedes physical homelessness".

Loss of original identity and adoption of negative homeless identity

Being homeless can threaten your continuity of self, destroy your self-esteem and distinctiveness.  It's common for a homeless person to take on an identity projected onto to them by others, from responses from others, having money thrown at you. "Such experiences have been referred to as a denial of a homeless person's right to exist within society (Bentley, 1997)".

Separation and loss
Being separated from your family and loved ones can be a real shock when you are homeless which often resembles the early stages of grief (Murray-Parkes, 1996; Archer, 1999).

Psychological space
For many homeless people moving to a hostel does not necessarily provide them with everything they need emotional, and so not having safe conditions for 'personal issues' can lead to emotional withdrawal.  "Psychological possessions such as thoughts and feelings may be protectively stored away inside the individual concerned (Bentley, 1997)". 'Home' is not just a place to stay, it must be safe and secure, locking your cupboard in the kitchen and your bedroom door leads to a sense of 'hearthlessness', as temporary accommodation usually lacks a home-like quality.

To cope with the above homeless people need routine, to maintain regular contact with people, to build self-esteem and feelings of social value, to achieve goals.  This structure, continuity and security can be found by helping others, the elderly, or other homeless people.  Such opportunities can totally change things for a homeless person.  As far as physical space goes, it can help to stamp personality and character into their surroundings, part of a homeless person's identity can often feel as if it still resides at 'home', their primary place of attachment, but their new accommodation, however temporary needs to be seen as a container for their identity.  Connecting with people is key recovering form homelessness, they need to talk about how they feel, they need people around them that can help practically as well as emotionally.

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