Wednesday 13 July 2011

Fundraising ideas suggested to cohort

The marketing team were discussing last night some more exciting ways of collecting money than just begging our long suffering friends and family!  Please can everyone read and add to the list, then I will maybe sort out a vote for the best 2 ideas, I am happy to set them up for everyone to use to collect funds. 

Auction original artwork/ideas on ebay
We were thinking that are a lot of strange things on ebay, entries people use to raise funds in a more comical way, so how about a sketch or a piece of writing from each of us that is original, could be on the theme for the exhibition perhaps, or even ideas, we could auction off an innovative idea to what ever question people have!  We could drive traffic there from our friends and family, so they feel they are more a part of something exciting than just handing over dosh!

Every little helps
We were thinking if you ask everyone for a pound it all adds up, the average person has over 150 friends on facebook, so we wanted to create a short poem that could be emailed to friends and family and used as a facebook status encouraging people to donate a pound to our cause!

It's easy to sell raffle tickets at work and around uni, we could collect some prizes for our sponsors, a bottle of champagne maybe and each sell raffle tickets for £2 to friends, family and colleagues, could do monthly draws, up to a bigger draw on the private view night.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated, we can work out the operational issues related to collecting the funds at a later date, lets just get some good ideas going first....

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