Thursday 5 May 2011

Identity workshop

Through my research I have come up with the following questions to spur debate with the older teenagers, to get them to think about identity and culture:

What is culture and identity?

Why are some identities more highly regarded than others?

Give examples of the ways in which people's self-image can be influenced by the judgement of the others.  How can this influence the identity of the individual?

What influence does class have upon identity?

Are some cultures better perceived than others?

Give examples of the cultural values reflected in soap operas like Eastenders.  Do they reproduce the dominant cultural norms and values of our society? Consider issues of gender differences, ethnicity, age, sexuality and attitudes to crime and violence.

Make a list of TV programmes, music, films etc and match them up to the cultural preferences of different social classes.  Examine further if this reflects reality, perhaps by questionnaire.

How is age treated in western culture, and how does this influence the construction of identity?

Examine a range of popular magazines and papers.  Produce a collage that show how men's grooming products are associated with toughness and those of women with femininity. 

Consider how important ethnicity or nationality is to your own sense of identity.  It may be unimportant, or perhaps only important at certain times.  It's importance may vary in different contexts.  Do you become very upset when your country's team loses? If so, what functions do you think your ethnic or national identity plays?

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