Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Museum of Everything

What a fun find, great adventure around the Museum of Everything

Monday, 5 April 2010

Project 3 - Shaping your future

WHAT In high-rise, high-density claustrophobic cities, corporations can utilize their roof spaces for the holistic wellbeing of employees and the local community.

WHY Hybrid green roofs could be incorporated into an organisation’s CSR strategy; traditionally green roofs have been used to provide environmental benefits:
- Cleaner air
- Building habitats
- Cooling cities
- Reducing rain run-off, reducing flood risk
- Reducing noise pollution
Also providing benefits for the organisations under them:
- Reducing heating and cooling costs
- Increasing the property value
A hybrid green roof however, could enable businesses to achieve long term, sustainable success, they can be a part of the community, creating a beneficial change for their business and society. By investing in a community partnership, their roof could be utilised not only by employees needing to clear their minds for the task ahead; but by inner city schools for education and recreation, as well as local university students for research.

HOW My research would include the history of green roofs, benefits, existing projects and companies, regulations, planning permission, funding, health benefits, outreach programs, maintenance, costings, timings and monitoring. There are also traditional green roof case studies, as well as green roof organisations.

I have tested the idea with a Senior Researcher at Corporate Citizenship, a specialist global corporate responsibility and sustainability consultancy, and a Planning Advisor at an architectural and structural consultancy.

IF To produce a strong corporate social responsibility business case for the educational, vocational, and environmental use of wasted roof tops, to aid the health and wellbeing of the community and employees.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

The Identity Project - Wellcome Collection

This exhibition was so perfect for me, this is a subject that I have been so interested for so long.

Eight rooms, nine lives...

What influences or determines our sense of who we are? What makes one person distinct from another? How does science inform human identity?

It explored the subject of genetic testing. Feeding the curiousity about the information in your DNA?

Other subjects tackled included twins, phrenology and brain imaging, gender and sexuality, race and prejudice, and acting and improvisation.